Tirana, Albania
Hora Vertikale
Residential, Mixed-use
55000 m2
LA-III, P4, Artech
Detail Design
A vertical neighbourhood
Hora Vertikale is a new project in Tirana, featuring residential buildings arranged in a vertical settlement—’Hora,’ in ancient Albanian. Beneath, there is a vibrant new park, along with various amenities and opportunities for both residents and visitors. Additionally, the project aims to engage the neighbouring local community. It is conceived as a unique vertical village set amidst a large green city. Intended to vertically portrait Tirana’s chaotic nature, the project places a strong emphasis on sustainability. Locally-sourced materials from Albania are used to minimize the carbon footprint and support the local economy. The result is a building that leaves a lasting impact on both city visitors and those who live there. The design integrates urban and rural elements, with the towers expected to become iconic landmarks, offering a visually striking presence and a distinctly local atmosphere.
From a distance, the buildings present distinct elevations and perceptions from different views around the city. Up close, the concept’s playful interplay reveals its secrets and the compositions step back from the main road towards the park at the rear, creating the most adequate transition in terms of scale. Employing abstraction and synthesis as working tools, the project seeks to offer a specific interpretation of Tirana’s idiosyncrasies, presenting a distinctive yet substantial and authentic outline. The entire project is developed using seven different types of cubes, each comprising seven stories – an average height characteristic of most buildings in Tirana. Each cube embodies a unique concept related to art and also inspired by local vernacular. The initial building phase consists of thirteen cubes, each measuring 22.5m by 22.5m at three different heights, which gives the composition a fluid and dynamic profile.

Hora Vertikale is a response to the city’s swift expansion and modernization.
The project envisions to create a new urban centrality with cohesive pedestrian connectivity.

Intended to vertically portrait Tirana’s chaotic nature, the project places a strong emphasis on sustainability. Introducing unconventional materials was cautioned against, as it could potentially evoke a sense of unfamiliarity. Locally-sourced materials from Albania are used to minimize the carbon footprint and support the local economy.

We’re not striving for any automatically recognizable language.
In our view, architecture is never generic; it’s an exercise in profound specificity. Every geography holds a distinct array of ingredients—be they cultural or historical—and it’s our task to distill and synthesize those elements into our designs.